Current news from the BioValley

For the eighth time since 2009, the BioValley Companies Day will take place on 9 May 2023, again at the SolarInfoCenter Freiburg, Emmy-Noether-Str.2: As always, it is an ideal platform for entrepreneurs to present themselves, acquire customers and cultivate networks.
Entrepreneurs, representatives of scientific institutions, listeners and visitors from the trinational BioValley region (Germany, Switzerland, France) who are interested in the topic of life science can visit the event and find out about the diversity of company culture, new companies, start-ups and developments and innovations in the BioValley on the Upper Rhine.
About 30 companies will introduce themselves in 10-minute presentations. Breaks in an informal atmosphere offer the opportunity to deepen contacts and also to develop and build networks with audience members.
The event format "BioValley Companies Day" has meanwhile established and proven itself as a trinational communication and information platform, both for participants presenting themselves and for audience members who would like to attend a compact information event.

Freiburg, Germany - November 23, 2023 The Black Forest Nanopore Meeting (BFNM) 2023, organized by the Clusters4Future nanodiag BW from November 6-9 in Freiburg, Germany, has concluded as a success. The conference brought together almost 200 scientists and engineers from all over the world and from various disciplines who engaged in lively discussions. It became clear once again that single molecule sensing with nanopores will become a key diagnostic technology in the near future. For instance, nanopore technology offers a faster, cheaper and potentially more reliable way than current methods to detect post-translational modifications in proteins that are particularly important for epigenetic regulation, e.g. in cancer.
Fruitful exchange between research and industry
A focus of BFNM 2023 was the quest to use nanopores as sensors in proteomics: from the analysis of post-translational modifications to protein sequencing, another the seamless integration of nanopore technology into diagnostic workflows for personalized and precision medicine. The conference enabled an early exchange between the various disciplines required for the successful transfer of these approaches into clinical practice. Remarkable advances in research and technology transfer were presented.

The kick-off event of the future cluster nanodiag BW with more than a hundred participants
On 19th and 20th July 2023, the auditorium of the Freiburg University provided the setting for an extremely successful kick-off event for the nanodiag BW future cluster, covering discussion rounds across disciplinary boundaries. Intensive discussions on technological and organisational challenges as well as valuable input from experienced cluster managers, company founders and know-how providers helped the interdisciplinary team of 36 research institutions and industrial companies to get off to an ideal start in their ambitious project. This platform hopes to achieve rapid technology transfer to improve direct medical applications.
The 14 German clusters of the future are funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). They bring together top academic research in different fields in order to transfer the resulting innovations into applications over a period of nine years.

The members and friends of BioValley Deutschland e.V. were invited on 5 July 2023 to get to know each other at the Freiburg Innovation Centre (FRIZ) and to individual presentations by companies.
After two years of construction, the Freiburg Innovation Centre (FRIZ) was opened on 28 September 2022. The first tenants have moved in. The technology centre is located on the grounds of the Technical Faculty of the University of Freiburg The new building is a highly modern and flexible office and laboratory building. The targeted location in the direct vicinity of universities and research institutions consistently promotes the close exchange of science and business as well as the transfer of knowledge and technology.
With this in mind, over 100 members of the BioValley network from Germany, France and Switzerland) met with the companies from the Innovation Centre.

Freiburg, May 9th, 2023; The 8th BioValley Companies Day took place on May 9th, 2023 in the ETAGE conference center in the Freiburg SolarInfoCenter. The BioValley network is a good opportunity to experience company presentations in a compact form. The interested listeners were also able to recruit customers and maintain their network.
Companies usually present themselves on the Internet and at trade fairs to present their products and services. On May 9, 2023, BioValley Deutschland e.V. offered companies a very special platform to present themselves in the best possible way: 34 companies presented themselves to an interested audience in 10-minute presentations. Breaks offered the opportunity to intensify contacts and expand networks, under the conditions of a special corona hygiene concept.

BBioValley congratulates nanodiagBW (Nanopore Technology for Diagnostics of the future) for success in the second round of a national competition.
The winners of the second round of the Clusters4Future competition have now been decided. A high profile expert jury has chosen the 7 finalists.

25 Firmen aus dem Life-Science-Bereich nutzten die Plattform, um sich in 10-minütigen Kurzvorträgen zu präsentieren. In den Pausen wurden Kontakte aufgebaut und vertieft.